growing your business in ireland

With 2016 falling fast into our rear view mirror, most of us have begun 2017 with a greater hope and renewed confidence. We might even be ready to take a few risks in our businesses. Not all risks, however are the equal. There is a massive difference between risks and foolish risks. Foolish risks essentially are those taken without doing any research, due diligence or taking any possible negative consequences into account. Don’t get us wrong, foolish risks CAN deliver positive returns – but the fact that you are entering a situation blindly and don’t know exactly what’s waiting on the other end, you are fundamentally rolling a dice. Calculated risks are backed by larger amounts of research and though the results won’t always be positive, enough homework will have been done to know if the chances of success rank higher than the chance of failure. Though we often shy away from risk for various reasons, understanding how to zone in on calculated risks will mean have no problem taking chances.


Tips for Taking Calculated Risks

1. Do Your Homework

It may not have been one of our favourite parts of being in school, but having your homework done is important to taking any calculated risk. You have to understand every detail and subtlety of the decision that you can. This allows you to discover any dangers or potential issues that may arise. Taking calculated risks is much like being a sports bettor. Contrary to the common belief that successful gamblers are just lucky individuals, they actually conduct lots of research and never make emotionally based decisions. Let’s just say a sports bettor wants to place a bet on a football match – a seasoned bettor would never just look at previous matches or a current league position and place a bet. They would always review picks from a handicapper of good repute and analyse the trends. As a startup CEO, you need to do the same thing. Even when taking a calculated risk, you need to enlist a trusted advisor, go over the number and negotiate the best deal. That wayou can ensure you’re taking a calculated risk.

2. Set Checkpoints and Goals

The end point of any calculated risk can be months, even years away. To stay the course of the inevitable process involved, you need to carefully identify and put into action checkpoints and goals. Goal setting is often discussed at length with focus either consciously or subconsciously revolving around long term or ‘end’ goals. Short term goals are often left by the wayside – and yet they are more important as they keep you on track. The path of any calculated risk is marked by several goals and checkpoints and they should be in place well before making a decision.

3. Foresee Mistakes

Before making any decision, consider the positive outcomes but pay particular attention to the negative ones. Examples of things you need to think about include ‘How would your business respond if the deal lost money?’ ‘If project deadlines are missed, how will you make up the time in order to meet them?’ ‘If partnerships are broken, what course of action will you take?’ Intelligent risk takers preempt potential mistakes and account for them. If you foresee too many mistakes, it probably means the risk is too high and you should consider moving in a different direction.

4. Accept that things will probably change

Business decisions rarely go exactly to plan. While you cannot always control whether the outcome will be better or worse than anticipated, you can control how you respond. Say the budget gets slashed significantly – slamming your head into your desk will more than likely doom you to failure. If, however, you’re willing to pivot, you’ll head back to the drawing board to find a solution. We often hear about entrepreneurs who took serious risks and found success but you rarely hear about what went wrong behind the scenes. In every success story, the decision makers are willing and ready to pivot in order to find success.

5. ‘No’ – It’s A Good Word!

Learning to say ‘no’ in your personal life and career is a fantastic skill to adopt especially when it comes to risks and opportunities. Jumping at every opportunity that comes across your path will leave you with no time or space to take the risks that have a high probability of succeeding. Psychologist, executive coach and speaker Camille Preston puts it perfectly – ‘Whatever the psychological back story, whatever the reason, the fact remains that saying yes to too many things is overwhelming and counterproductive. By saying yes to too many things we may, we may be saying no to some very important things. If your plate is too full, there’s no room for the unexpected or ideal opportunity.’

6. If It Feels Good, JUMP!

You’ve done your due diligence, run the figures, looked at what could go right and wrong with your risk…and yet you’re afraid to pull the trigger on your decision. That’s understandable and you wouldn’t be the first entrepreneur to feel that way. All we can say is, if you’ve done your homework and the water feels good so to speak, take the plunge. There comes a point when you have to jump in spite of the unknowns. Trust your instincts, rely on your research and with a bit of luck, it will all work out in the end.


The Call Pal team would love to make sure you never risk losing calls from potential or existing customers. Let our professional secretarial team take your calls for you. Want to give it a try first? Then call us on 1890 511 400 and we will give you free 7 day trial!

And be sure to follow us on all of our social platforms including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google+ to stay up to date with all our news, events and offers.

Christmas competition Ireland

Call Pal got a bit nostalgic this week, when we heard about about the Nintendo NES Classic, it was love at first sight, we had to have one! Unfortunately, they sold out before they even hit the shelves. Thus our epic quest began….


Thankfully our quest was not in vain and the latest addition to the office arrived safe and sound on Monday morning.


Being the generous and thoughtful little elves you know we our, of course, our first thought was to offer it as a prize to all those devastated individuals who couldn’t find one of their own.

So for your chance to Win this NES Classic Edition just sign up to the Call Pal Newsletter:

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grow your business with social media

We’ve already talked about how important it is to have an identity for you company and an initial goal when you launch your business in the social media world. Of equal importance is knowing which social media networks would be the best for you to engage with. Gaining an understanding of some of the more popular social media networks will be hugely beneficial to you and will also help you decide which ones are the right fit for you.


Start by listening first. Before setting up accounts for your business, it’s a good idea to set up personal profiles on popular social networks and use them first as an individual. A worthwhile exercise is searching for popular keywords related to your business to its products to get a sense of how each social network operates. Pay attention to the search results for these key words to discover how people interact with these topics. Would your business fit into these discussions? Would engaging with these people and conversations be valuable?


You will also need to understand the nature of each social network as style of content and tone will differ from one social platform to another. An example would be Twitter which is popular for real-time updates and shorter, micro-blog content. Pinterest and Instagram on the other hand are more visual and both are more popular on mobile phones as a result.

Through your social platforms you also want to find out where your customers are. By searching for your products on popular social networks, you can figure out what social platforms your existing clients are using and whether they are talking about your business on those platforms.

If you find one particular social media platform mentions your business a number of times, consider building your presence on that platform so that you can interact with that audience.


We hope you have found this second part of our series helpful. We would love to hear from you on our social media platforms, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

As always, growing YOUR business through our service is what we are passionate about. To find out more about our comprehensive, nationwide call answering service, call us on 1890 511 400.

social media for business

Starting a business is a brave move. Period. Launching on social media can be even more daunting given that there are multiple social media platforms to choose from and countless add ons within those platforms. With that in mind, we decided to launch a blog series to help simplify the launch of your business on social media.


What’s your Identity?

It’s really important that you have a specific set of goals for your business and these should correspond with your social media plan. For example, if you have a newly opened takeaway, your initial plan would be to increase the number of walk in customers. Therefore, your social media goals would be to create more awareness of your takeaway and drive more people to your location.

Defining who you are as a business is imperative. How people perceive your business will be as a result of the vocabulary you use, images you post and the types of campaigns you run. A good starting point for creating your online persona would be to write down a list of adjectives and terms that you want people to associate with you. Keep those adjectives handy as you create a voice for your brand.

Lastly, define your target audience. Your campaigns and their success will rely heavily on how specifically you define your audience. Most social media platforms allow you to create campaigns that target potential customers from specific age ranges, occupational segments, key interests and geographic areas. Understanding these segments will help you design campaigns and create content that captivates the right audience, the right way.


We hope this post has been helpful. Be sure to follow us on all our social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Or give us a call directly on 1890 511 400 for more information on our nationwide service.

grow your business in Ireland

At Call Pal, we understand that starting and growing a business requires a huge investment of time and money. Here are a few national and global services that could help you, whether you’re a new startup or a business looking to expand.

  1. Enterprise Ireland

Established in 1998, Enterprise Ireland has been a forerunner in funding businesses in Ireland. Aside from the funding they provide, the Enterprise Boards located throughout the country also provide invaluable free services such as introductions to industry experts as well as potential customers/clients for your business.

  1. ie

As the name suggests, Getting Business Online will either help you get your website up and running or help to promote your current website. Benefits include easy to manage websites, free .co, .eu, .biz or .com domains for the first year, ongoing tips and education and expert Adwords support, all for free!

  1. Google My Business

The most popular search engine worldwide, it’s absolutely vital that your business can be found easily on Google. Google My Business is a fantastic way of getting your business listed on Google and you can include the following details for free – your company location through Google Maps, your opening hours, company website, contact details and customer reviews.

  1. Social Media

Social Media has become a tour de force in the business world with FacebookTwitterInstagramLinkedIn andGoogle+ ranking among the most influential platforms for businesses worldwide. The beauty of these platforms is that they are free to post to and have the power to exponentially grow your business.

“We hope some of these tips helped. We love to chat so drop us a line to see how Call Pal by Gray Office Park can help you to streamline your business, giving you more time to chase those new clients and get them on board!

You can follow us on FacebookTwitter and Instagram for all the latest updates and helpful tips for you and your business.”

Sign up to the Call Pal Newsletter!
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call answering for construction companies

Meet our MD Rachael Gray, speaking at this years’ Construction Industry Federation (CIF) Conference:

Call Pal attended the conference with sister companies Avita Communications & Sleepless Server Solutions.

CIF Picture Conor McCabe Photography.

Left to Right: Gordon Fahy (MD Avita Communications) Eoghan Murray (Marketing Exec) Daragh Naughton (Technical Director Sleepless) Rachael Gray (Founder & MD of Call Pal)

call answering service Ireland

When it comes to being entrepreneur, the truth is, once your business idea/dream becomes a reality, the hard work begins….AND LOTS of it. On a macro level this is easy but on a micro level, things become more difficult especially when it comes to answering potential and existing client calls. An alarming fact is that 60% of customers who call a business WILL NOT leave a voice mail if their call is unanswered meaning the risk of losing revenue due to unanswered calls is quite high.

In addition to this problem is the reality that having a dedicated receptionist that can attend to your calls can be costly particularly at the front end of your business. Bearing all of that in mind, call pal’s call answering service can be a great solution to all of these problems and here’s how…

  1. Professional image

Our dedicated receptionist team answers calls in your company name and messages are taken in a professional and efficient manner. Messages can also be sent through by text message to ensure you never miss a call even when you are in a meeting.

  1. NEVER miss a customer’s call again

Sales calls are the lifeblood of every business and to not answer a potential customer can mean they choose to go with your competitor. It can be that quick! Having call pal take care of your calls means that the caller can be dealt with immediately and details of their enquiry taken. This essentially means you will have the information readily available to provide the answers to your clients enquiry.

  1. Time Management

Many of your calls can be general enquiries that can eat away at you and your team’s time. Our receptionists can handle the day to day general enquiries which will allow your team to focus on the business goals and grow your business.

  1. Reduced Receptionist Costs

Staff costs are expensive and are increasing year on year. For many businesses the requirement for a full time receptionist is no longer economical. Even if you have your staff manage the inbound calls, this will detract them from their other tasks which will ultimately cost you money.

Telephone answering services can represent a huge saving in comparison to handling your calls in-house.

Our team of receptionists lend a professional image to your business that will give the impression that your business is large in size and influential in the business world.

  1. Perception is Everything

call pal can provide your business with ANY IRISH Geographical number. If you are thinking of expanding into a new location, we can provide you with a number for that town or city.

If this has peaked your interest and would like to find out more please contact us on 1890 511 400.