The Call Pal team would like to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year. We’re all looking forward to working with you in 2021.
The team have been getting into the spirit putting together decorations and filling out all of your Christmas cards.
Your opinion matters!
9.3/10 Customer Rating
We’d like to thank everyone that filled in our latest customer satisfaction survey, you provided some great feedback. One of the big questions we asked was:
“On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being dissatisfied and 10 being very satisfied, how happy are you with Call Pal?”
The Call Pal team are delighted with an average rating of 9.3 out of 10.
Haven’t had a chance to fill in the survey? No worries just click the button below and as an extra incentive, everyone that completes the form is entered into a draw to Win a €50 Call Pal One4all voucher!
Meet the people behind our 9.3/10 satisfaction score!
Meet The Team

Welcome to a new edition of our newsletter – Team Edition. We want you to get to know a little bit more about the team that makes it all happen.
We not only strive to provide the very best in virtual call answering but we believe that quality in customer service is at the core of what builds a successful business. We understand the needs of our clients and the needs of their callers as we seamlessly become an extension of their business.
So with that in mind, we thought it made perfect sense to let you get to know your Call Pal team a little better!

Question: What’s one thing that surprised you about working at Call Pal?
Zoe’s Answer: The different types of companies Call Pal work with. For example, one call could be for a building company and the next a solicitor or a physiotherapist clinic. I’m gaining so much knowledge about all of these different industries and enjoy working with the different callers within these companies.

Question: Have you spent time studying?
Niamh’s Answer: Yes, I have an Undergraduate Degree in Psychology and a Master’s of Science Degree in Sports, Exercise & Performance Psychology – both from the University of Limerick. I also hold a Diploma in Personal Training and Nutrition.
An eye on what’s to come

We are moving to 6 days a week!
We are opening on Saturdays
Q1 2021 will see the Call Pal team move to 6 days a week. We have plans in place for launch in late Jan early Feb ’21.
If you would like more information on this please reach out to Donna donna@callpal.ie.

You spoke we listened.
All new call reports Q1 ’21
Our team have been working closely with a new technology partner to build a custom new call reporting tool. The solution is to go into beta testing in early Q1 2021 and we have a roadmap in place to see it launched by the end of March.
If you are interested in more information on this please contact Donna donna@callpal.ie.